Recycled aluminium
Public Commission
Horten, Norway
Inaugurated January 11, 2022
1000år1000år er en replika af en tusind år gammel “hul eik” i Horten. “Hul eika” er et unikt habitat for insekter, mikrober, svampe, mosser og fugle, men er også et vidne til de forandringer, der finder sted i tid. Det er en organisme, der har registreret vikingetiden, industrialiseringen, Horten Værft, 2. verdenskrig, indførslen af kvinders stemmeret, fotografen Marie Høeg, Preus fotolab, Preus fotomuseum, klimaforandringer, kunstig intelligens…
Skulpturen er et monument over det vi har, men også det, som er ved at forsvinde: bare i Norge er 2700 fugle, pattedyr og planter rødlistet og 150 arter er allerede uddøde.
1000år1000år er en slags portal til andre tider, en rekvisit hentet fra en science-fiction fortælling, der minder os om, at vi kan skabe nye, ukendte fremtider. Fremtider, der indebærer en genforhandling af vores relation og forbundethed til de mangfoldige, biologiske verdener, vi er en del af.
Hollow oaks are unique habitats for microbes, insects, fungi, mosses and birds—many of them red-listed. As well as being refuges for biodiversity, they are living memory banks. Due to their long lifespan they register the unfolding of events, past and present. The hollow oak in Horten is more than a thousand years old and has witnessed the roaming of the vikings, the time of industrialism, Horten boatyard, the second world war, women’s suffrage, the photographer Marie Høeg, Preus Photolab, Preus Museum of Camera Technology, climate change, artificial intelligence, virtual reality…
1000år1000år is modeled on a 3D scan of this locally appreciated oak. The scan is processed, re-modeled and other elements are added. The modified replica is then printed in soft material and casted in recycled aluminium.
Placed at the fringes of the city’s park, the sculpture has the appearance of a prop from a science fiction novel. It can be seen as a portal, a gateway, to other worlds. It reminds us that we can create new, unknown futures. Futures that involve a renegotiation of our relationship and connectedness to the diverse, biological worlds we are part of.
“Tale til indvielsen af 1000år1000år“, Ann Lislegaard (2022)
“Har laget noe for de neste tusen år”, Bjørn Nilsen, Gjengangeren (2022)
“Avduket 1000 års Hortenshistorie”, Horten kommune (2022)
“Ann Lislegaard”, Jeppe Ugelvig, chartartfair.com (2022)